Concerned About Lead Exposure? Detoxify Safely

With the growing awareness of widespread lead contamination, it’s surprising that many news articles fail to mention how to actually remove lead once it’s in our bodies! The common advice is simply to avoid exposure-as if lead will somehow vanish from our blood or organs on its own.
This kind of misinformation is both irresponsible and harmful. Lead is a toxic metal that can cause serious health issues, including fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, joint pain, headaches, cancer, and even heart disease.
At the Salerno Center, we use an FDA-approved chelating agent called CaEDTA to safely and effectively remove lead from the body. This chelation therapy can help detoxify and restore your health by removing this dangerous poison.
If you’re worried about lead exposure and want a proper test and treatment, contact the Salerno Center today. Take control of your health-don’t let lead toxicity go untreated!